
Showing posts from February, 2016

Deploying ESXi with Satellite 6

Deploy the files to the Satellite server Download the latest ISO from VMware (e.g. VMware-ESXi-5.5U2-RollupISO2.iso). Transfer to the satellite server Run some code # mount -o loop VMware-ESXi-5.5U2-RollupISO2.iso /mnt # mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/esxi55u2 # cd /mnt # cp -a * /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/esxi55u2 # cd /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/esxi55u2 # sed -i 's#/#/boot/esxi55u2/#g' boot.cfg # cd .. # restorecon -R esxi55u2 Create the Operating System inside Satellite Hosts -> Operating Systems Click New Operating System Operating System Name: ESXi Major version: 5 Minor version: 5 Description: ESXi 5.5U2 OS Family: Red Hat Arch: x86_64 Partition Table Kickstart Default Installation Media Any Mirror – Can create a esxi mirror if desired. Hosts -> Provisioning Templates Click New Template Provisioning Template Name: ESXi OCP PXELinux SERIAL 0 115200n8 DEFAULT esxi5.serial PROMPT 0 MENU TITLE PXE Boot LABEL esxi5.serial MENU LA...

Katello Capsule sync fails with error "401 - Authentication with username admin failed: invalid oauth credentials"

This issue occurs when there is a time difference in Satellite and Capsule server. Ensure that both the Satellite server and Capsule server is synced with the ntp or cronyd. Once the time is in sync, re-run the capsule-installer command to configure capsule server.  Diagnostic -Checking /var/log/messages goferd make  a clear error about authethication failed Feb 11 06:00:32 awscapsule01 goferd: [ERROR][worker-0] pulp.agent.lib.dispatcher:112 - PermissionsException: RequestException: GET request on /pulp/api/v2/consumers/add48221-f2d7-4bbe-b5ee-0eef65c24774/bindings/Centos-6/ failed with 401 - Authentication with username admin failed: invalid oauth credentials. Feb 11 06:00:32 awscapsule01 goferd: [INFO][worker-0] gofer.agent.rmi:128 - sn=76004451-4fc4-47d2-9862-29beb1d72e92 processed in: 2.181 (seconds)

How remove packages from custom repos in Katello

First find out the UUID of the package you will delete: Katello[~] # hammer package list --organization-label=rh --product=testrepo -------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------ ID | FILENAME -------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------ ab214fca-4a00-4275-b019-81d557b4e117 |test.rpm -------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------ To obtain the ID of repository where the package is located, run the following command: satellite [~] # hammer repository list --organization-label=rh --product=testrepo ---|----------|----------|--------------|---- ID | NAME | PRODUCT | CONTENT TYPE | URL ---|----------|----------|--------------|---- 1 | test | test | yum | ---|----------|----------|--------------|---- Remove the package from the custom repo...