How to create activation key and add the subcription and host collection via command hammer for Satellite 6 and Katello

Login into you katello or satellite

[root@satellite ~]# hammer shell
[Foreman] username: admin
[Foreman] password for admin:
Welcome to the hammer interactive shell
Type 'help' for usage information

get the organization list

ID | NAME                 | LABEL                | DESCRIPTION                     
1  | Default_Organization | Default_Organization | Default_Organization Organization

Create the new activation key

activation-key create --name test --organization-id 1 --unlimited-content-hosts

Get the id for the new activation key

hammer> activation-key list --organization-id 1
2  | test | 0 of     |                       |            

Get subscription list

hammer> subscription list --organization-id 1

NAME                                      | CONTRACT | ACCOUNT | SUPPORT      | QUANTITY  | CONSUMED | END DATE   | ID                               | PRODUCT                                   | QUANTITY  | ATTACHED
Red Hat Satellite 6 (For Transition Only) | 10533615 | 540155  | Premium      | 2         | 0        | 2015-09-12 | 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3246d6004e | Red Hat Satellite 6 (For Transition Only) | 2         | 0      
Red Hat Employee Subscription             | 2595446  | 540155  | Self-Support | 10        | 0        | 2022-01-01 | 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3423f100c2 | Red Hat Employee Subscription             | 10        | 0      
PuppetForge                               |          |         |              | Unlimited | 0        | 2044-12-01 | 4028fa684a2d41fa014a2d8c9b18001c | PuppetForge                               | Unlimited | 0      
NAME                                      | CONTRACT | ACCOUNT | SUPPORT      | QUANTITY  | CONSUMED | END DATE   | ID                               | PRODUCT                                   | QUANTITY  | ATTACHED
Red Hat Satellite 6 (For Transition Only) | 10533615 | 540155  | Premium      | 2         | 0        | 2015-09-12 | 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3246d6004e | Red Hat Satellite 6 (For Transition Only) | 2         | 0      
Red Hat Employee Subscription             | 2595446  | 540155  | Self-Support | 10        | 0        | 2022-01-01 | 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3423f100c2 | Red Hat Employee Subscription             | 10        | 0      
PuppetForge                               |          |         |              | Unlimited | 0        | 2044-12-01 | 4028fa684a2d41fa014a2d8c9b18001c | PuppetForge                               | Unlimited | 0      

Get the ID  of the subcription you want to attach 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3423f100c2 

Add the subcription quantity to the new activation 

hammer> activation-key add-subscription --id 2  --quantity 1 --subscription-id 4028fa684a4afee1014a4b3423f100c2
Subscription added to activation key

Create the new host-collection

host-collection create --name example --organization-id 1 --unlimited-content-hosts

In case you want restricted the number of hosts

host-collection create --name example --organization-id 1  --max-content-hosts --max-content-hosts 10

Get the id of the new host-collection

hammer> host-collection list --organization-id 1
2  | example |       |           

Finally add the host-collection to the key to complete the procedure of the creation of the activation key.

hammer> activation-key add-host-collection --id 2 --organization-id 1 --host-collection-id 2
The host collection has been associated


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