Resign Spacewalk Certificate
1.- First verify if the current certificate is already expire
#spacewalk-sql -i <<< 'select expires from rhnsatellitecert where created=(select max(created) from rhnsatellitecert);'
2015-07-13 00:00:00+12
(1 row)
2.- If the certificate is already expired run the following command to resign the certificate
#rhn-satellite-activate --rhn-cert /usr/share/spacewalk/setup/spacewalk-public.cert --disconnected
3.- Check again certificate expired date
#spacewalk-sql -i <<< 'select expires from rhnsatellitecert where created=(select max(created) from rhnsatellitecert);'
2018-07-13 00:00:00+12
(1 row)
All done
#spacewalk-sql -i <<< 'select expires from rhnsatellitecert where created=(select max(created) from rhnsatellitecert);'
2015-07-13 00:00:00+12
(1 row)
2.- If the certificate is already expired run the following command to resign the certificate
#rhn-satellite-activate --rhn-cert /usr/share/spacewalk/setup/spacewalk-public.cert --disconnected
3.- Check again certificate expired date
#spacewalk-sql -i <<< 'select expires from rhnsatellitecert where created=(select max(created) from rhnsatellitecert);'
2018-07-13 00:00:00+12
(1 row)
All done
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