How to execute remote commands with Katello 2.3 and 2.4 on remote clients

This can be achieve installing the following foreman plugin

Start by installing  repository and EPEL7, see Quickstart instructions and Foreman manual for more information.
After it sucessfully finishes you'll have to manually install plugins by following command
yum install ruby193-rubygem-foreman_remote_execution rubygem-smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh

Note : the plugin only works if you satellite was install on RHEL7/Centos 7 for Katello

after that you going to have job
templates in hosts tab just create a new job template for example
Template that allow install remove and update packages
Name: Package Actions

die() {
echo "${1}, exiting..."
exit $2
<% unless input("pre_script").blank? -%>
# Pre Script
<%= input("pre_script") %>
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] || die "Pre script failed" $RETVAL
<% end -%>
<% if == 'Redhat' -%>
yum -y <%= input("action") %> <%= input("package") %>
<% elsif == 'Debian' -%>
apt-get -y <%= input("action") %> <%= input("package") %>
<% end -%>
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] || die "Package action failed" $RETVAL
<% unless input("post_script").blank? -%>
# Post Script
<%= input("post_script") %>
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] || die "Post script failed" $RETVAL
<% end -%>
Go to job tab
Job name:Package Actions
Provider type:sshexecutorprovider
Name: pre-script
input type:user input
Description: pre-script before package install update or remove
Name: package
input type:user input
Description: name of the package
Name: action
input type:user input
Description: The package action: install, update, or remove
input type:user input
Description: Post script needed after package installed,removed or update
After this save the template and go to hosts-->all hosts tick the host that you want to apply the job and in the top right side next to new host button is going to appear a new button select action just click there and click run job
Choose the job name and provide any input necessary for the job complete.
with this you can deploy any command to the host via ssh as remote commands.


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